Friday, September 30, 2016


Throughout the month of September we did a lot of fun learning!

We began the month of September reading the Story "Balto, the Dog Who Saved Nome" and "Rosie A Visiting Dog's Story".  Both stories focused on how dogs helped others.  During this unit we focused on prefixes/suffixes, context clues, using illustrations,  fluency, main idea, and writing a newspaper article.  

The next part of our our ELA curriculum we read the "The Stories Julian Tells" and "Julian Dream Doctor". Throughout this unit we focused on similes, metaphor, context clues, fluency, sequencing, possessives, main idea, and comparing two texts by the same author.

During the month of September we also had Open House! Students completed a poster "I am Proud of my Parent/Guardian" because and Parents also completed a Poster "I am proud of my child because".

The third part of our ELA unit, we read the story "Little Grunt and the Big Egg" and Nonfiction Science "How Plants Live and Grow".  We focused on mood, reading with expression, nouns, plural nouns, character traits/emotions/motivations, text features, synonyms/antonyms, cause and effect, and text dependent questions. Students listened to song lyrics and had to work on guessing the mood of the song. We also completed a Mood Craft.

The culminating project was a plant foldable in which students worked in pairs to show what they knew about Plants!

Friday, September 2, 2016

First Week of School

The first week of school was a busy time in 3rd grade!

The 2nd day of school we filled out a paper entitled "Glad to be in Grade 3!" On this paper students have to decorate the 3 however they wanted and also had to answer questions about 3rd grade.

On the 3rd day of school we learned what a Venn Diagram was.  We completed a class activity together comparing Summer and School.  Once students understood how to complete a Venn Diagram, they then worked in partners to complete a Venn Diagram about themselves and another student in the class who they didn't know very well. It was a great learning activity!

We all fit together!
Students completed a puzzle piece for our project "We all fit together".  We talked about how we are all different, but that is ok because we help to make this class unique!